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Body Mass Index Calculator - B.M.I. - Health - NYTimes.com

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 Body Mass Index 

B.M.I. is a reliable indicator of total body fat, which is related to the risk of life-threatening diseases. The score is valid for both men and women, but it may overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build. It may also underestimate body fat in older people and others who have lost muscle mass.

To determine your B.M.I.: * • enter your weight and height using standard measures * • click on "Calculate" and your B.M.I. will appear in the calculatorBMI CalculatorMeasurementStandard or MetricWeightCurrent WeightHeightFeetInchesCMBMI KEYBelow 18.5Underweight18.5 - 24.9Normal25.0 - 29.9Overweight30.0 and aboveObeseBMI Result0.0

Considerations for Weight LossIf your B.M.I. is greater than 25, the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute recommends losing weight, particularly if you have a high waist measurement or other risk factors for disease (see below). Even a small weight loss (just 10 percent of your current weight) will help to lower your risk of developing diseases associated with obesity. If you are overweight, but do not have a high waist measurement and have fewer than two risk factors, you may need to prevent further weight gain rather than lose weight.Waist CircumferenceAccording to the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute, waist circumference is a good indicator of abdominal fat, which is another predictor of your risk for developing hypertension, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and other conditions.Determine your waist circumference by placing a measuring tape snugly around your waist.

Risk increases with a waist measurement greater than 40 inches (102 centimeters) in men and greater than 35 inches (88 centimeters) in women. The risk is considered high to extremely high for people with excessive waist circumference, particularly when their B.M.I. is in the overweight or obese range. Some people who are not classified as overweight may also be at risk if their waist measurements exceed the limit noted above.Other Risk FactorsBesides having a B.M.I. over 25 or a high waist circumference, there are additional disease risk factors to consider:

* • high blood pressure (hypertension) * • high LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) * • low HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol) * • high triglyceridesIT * • high blood glucose (sugar) * • family history of premature heart disease * • physical inactivity * • cigarette smoking Related ArticlesHow Does Your Waistline Matter? Let Us Count the Ways.Weight-Loss Drugs: Hoopla and Hype$500 Million Pledged to Fight Childhood ObesityAs Obesity Fight Hits Cafeteria, Many Fear a Note From SchoolHealth Guidelines Suggested for Models
Body Mass Index Calculator - B.M.I. - Health - NYTimes.com

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O! Almighty! - I know not anybody but you in person
Generator- because you generated me as a person
Organizer - because you organized me into my profession
Destroyer- even though little prematurely you do it , as it is your profession
You have given me everything even without my want
That’s why I did not ask anything because it is your won’t
But if it is thy wish to make me beg for something
I wish to abide your order asking for only one thing
You can call me whatever thing ,even your names ‘reverse’
But call on me only once to put life’s gear in reverse
Can you please take care of my generation?
As by natural history it is also your generation
As the Muslims hail you the most merciful
The Christians designate you the formidable forgiver
Henceforth for the Hindus you heralded as the affable almighty
Let not me be a Zoroastrian by putting myself into the fire
I know not any religion, as a rely no more than on you
Shun- not, shunt me from this hell on earth, to your abode besides you
Get all the pieces together to make peace the firmament of faith
Let my children be yours, put them on the right path
Let me bid adieu with the tender hope sake
As I can only release wordy showers Abishek
Even the name less realizes with all the preethy(love) of joy
You only can generate even as you organize to destroy
But call on me only once to put life’s gear in reverse

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இனியது  இனி  ஏ து  என  ஏங்க வேண்டாம் 
இனியது  இனி   இது  தான்  என  ஏற்க !   
மாத்திரை  மட்டும்  தான்  மருந்தல்ல 
மாற்று   இரை   தான்  உண்மையில்  மருந்து 
மறந்தால்  மா திரை  விழுந்திடும்  வாழ்க்கைக்கும்  
வாழ  நினைப்பவருக்கும்  

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